Putnam Surveys Irma Crop Damage

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam looking over citrus groves damaged by Hurricane Irma.

Lakeland, Fla.-(Newsradio 970 WFLA)-State Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam says Hurricane Irma has caused serious damage to Florida's citrus crop.

Putnam took to the air to get the bird's eye view of citrus groves in Central and Southwest Florida. Putnam's aerial tour surveyed most of the areas impacted by Irma. Commissioner Putnam also walked through some of the groves.

Some of Florida's citrus groves were flooded out from Irma's heavy rain and others suffered damage from the hurricane's winds. Putnam says it's still too early to know the full extent of the damage to the state's signature crop.

Photo courtesy Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam

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