Belinda Leto - Celebrate Birthdays

Belinda Leto, Celebrate Birthdays, joined AM Tampa Bay to discuss the organization "Celebrate Birthdays," a non-Profit that makes sure every Foster Child and all children, regardless of personal or financial circumstances, has the opportunity to Celebrate their Birthday.

Here are two ways on how you can help:

  1. Onsite monthly is where they partner with local organizations like Boys/Girls Clubs, Carlton Manor Foster Home, New Life Village and actually go and throw the child a birthday party complete with Birthday Cake, Ice Cream, Games/Activities, and Birthday Presents.
  2. Birthday in a Box is when local service agencies and food banks identify children at risk of not having a Birthday and provide the parent or guardian with all the supplies needed for a party. 

Celebrate Birthdays is always looking for people to volunteer or donate.

If you want to learn more on how you can help click here to head to their website or like their Facebook Page

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